By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,654)
The City of Portland announced that it has received $1,568.592 in lead based paint hazard control grant money and $246,275 in healthy homes supplemental funding according to a press release issued by Julie Sullivan, of the City of Portland today. the City will use funding to help address lead hazard in 80 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children.
Because the Portland housing stock is very old (especially Munjoy Hill) children living in such housing are at high risk of lead poisoning. Exposure over time to even small amounts of lead can severely affect metal and physical development. The greatest risk is to brain development where irrevocable damage may occur over time. The higher lead levels can damage the kidneys and nervous system in children and adults. Very high levels may cause seizures, unconsciousness and possibly death. Lead can also harm an unborn child, so pregnant women or women likely to become pregnant are also at risk.
“We are excited to have these funds available. In conjunction with our Housing Rehab program, we will be able to make a real difference in the health and safety of Portland’s housing stock,” said Mary Davis, the city’s Housing and Community Development Services Director.