Last night Portland’s planning board unanimously approved the site plan for a 45-unit condominium to be built at 218-220 Washington Avenue near the entrance to I-295. Approval came following a presentation by an architect from Archetype Architects, public comment period and discussion by the planning board members. The developer of the property is Vincent Maietta.
Approval of the four-story condo did come with a condition; that the final design of the roof line needs to be revised slightly to reduce the over hangs. This was an issue brought up by board member Maggie Stanley. Approval was granted with the condition that Maietta and Bill Hopkins, architect, meet with city staff to resolve the issue. Rather than providing a “workforce” unit under the Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) ordinance, the developer will contribute to the Housing Fund. It is expected that construction will begin in the spring. No construction company has been selected yet.
Glenn and Jean Morse, d/b/a 2 Walnut LLC., attended the first workshop requesting a zone change for property at 233 Anderson Street – currently a vacant lot. T. Scott Teas, of Scattergood Design, told the planning board that in order to create a “buildable” site on this sloping property, the zone change is requested. It is the couples’ intention to build “live-work” units that would be appealing to artists in the upper floors. They could be two-level units, although plans are still in the preliminary stage of development.
Two East Bayside residents spoke in favor of the proposal by 2 Walnut LLC. Cindy Cochran encouraged the planning board to make the zoning along that strip consistent rather than the hodge podge that it currently is. Ellen Bailey spoke in favor of the proposal and thanked the developers for being so involved with the community on their plans to date.
Please visit post herein dated October 7, 2017 for more background information.