New Home on Cumberland Avenue to be “Model for Maine”


Paul Ledman: "A Model Home in Maine"

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 548)

“We hope that this energy efficient home will become a model in Maine, ” said Paul Ledman to the planning board last week.  Plans for the three unit “relatively modern” home went before the city’s board last week for its approval which it received unanimously.  Currently, there is an empty lot at 62 Cumberland Avenue – near Washington Avenue.

The builder of the home is Mike White, Island Carpentry, Inc., in Georgetown.  According to Ledman, White has a long record of building energy efficient homes and that is why he was chosen to build this one.  It will be built using Zero Energy Home guidelines.  That means that the home will be energy efficient and at times it will make enough power to send some back to the utility company.  White hopes to break ground within the next three to five weeks.  The parking is on-site.  Architect for the home is Kaplan Thompson Architects,  Portland.

Planning board members were enthusiastic about the “shingles-clapboard” exterior of the home.   Chairman Bill Hall said:  “It’s a creative use of this property.”  Ledman is married to Colleen Myers and they have two teenagers, Clara and Leo.

editor’s note: 8/24/ll For the latest information on this energy efficient home on the Hill, please proceed to Post # 862, dated August 24th for more.