UPDATED: Neighbors Concerned About Likely Oversize of 57-59 St. Lawrence Street by New Owner


57-59 St. Lawrence Street Expected to Double in Size in Redevelopment Plans.

Another Angle of the Two Buildings at 57-59 St. Lawrence Street, on Munjoy Hill.

Neighbors around 57-59 St. Lawrence Street on Munjoy Hill are concerned about the likely expansion of an old apartment building into almost double its current size if the new owner of the building gets his way – and he probably will.

The building has been on the real estate market for a while and Tony Russo, owner, finally has apparently found an owner. One neighbor who recently spoke to , Greg Shinberg, an attorney and housing consultant, said he plans to add a fourth floor to the building, and a large addition to the back of the building that will eliminate a lovely, grassy backyard.  Shinberg  plans underground parking as well.  Currently, there are seven rental units in the building.  The planned expansions will roughly double the size of the building.

In an email to this blogger, Shinberg admitted he has a purchase and sale agreement for the property:  that is often done  pending all the approvals from the city for the development to go forward.

Whether or not it will remain rental or become a condominium is unknown at this time.  When Shinberg’s proposal is finalized, he will submit an application to the city’s planning board.  That has not happened yet.

Shinberg was employed by the Florida based Federated Cos. that failed in its effort to develop Midtown, a large piece of property in the Bayside neighborhood.