By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,530)
Jonathan Taggart, a conservator, spent a lot of time yesterday high off the ground at Monument Square – power washing dirt and grime from the “Our Ladies of Victories”monument – a memorial to the 5,000 soldiers from Portland who died in the Civil War.
Taggart, of Taggert Objects Conservation of Georgetown, was commissioned by the Public Art Committee to clean-up the statute and put a layer of protection oh her. Much of that protection was applied today using an International Copper Research Institute lacquer said Taggart late this afternoon.. By the time he’s finished with that part, he will have applied two gallons of it. It’s expected to protect “Our Lady” for about a decade or so.
The next part of the process is repointing the joints of the mortar blocks on which the statute is situated. The completion of that work will probably be sometime next week.
Lookin good Lady! Looking good – especially for your age!