Meeting on Munjoy Hill Next Week; Hosted by Greater Portland Landmarks


East End Community School, North Street, on Munjoy Hill.

Spring – Where the Heck Are You? It’s Time! Cars Buried on the Eastern Promenade Following a Major Nor’easter Last Night.

The public is invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, March 14, from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at East End Community School, North Street on Munjoy Hill.  The event is hosted by Greater Portland Landmarks.

Julie Larry, Director of Advocacy at GPL, will give a brief presentation on its recent research and architectural survey.  The presentation will include information on the Hill’s buildings and the stories of some of the people who have called Munjoy Hill home over the last century and a half.  Landmarks will also present information on the potential for historic designation of buildings on the Hill on how designation might be a part of a solution to address neighborhood concerns that led to the current moratorium.

So if you are looking for information from the experts on the controversial subject of the moratorium, please come to this meeting to get answers to your questions.