March for Science Set for Saturday, April 14; Starts at City Hall Plaza


A Common Sentiment from the Portland  March for Science Last April 22, 2017 – Earth Day.

Jack Mavadones Agrees With the Sentiment on His Sign at the Rally.

A second March for Science Portland has been scheduled for this Saturday, April 14, 2018.  It will begin at 1:00 pm at city hall plaza and proceed down to Lincoln Park for a rally.

That’s all this blogger knows about the event!

Last year hundreds jammed Congress Street for a similar March for Science that started at city hall plaza and proceeded down to Congress Square Park.  There Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME.) gave a rousing speech as only she can to the many concerned about the downward spiral of science in the Trump administration.  The March for Science happened on Earth Day, April 22, 2017.

Particularly vulnerable this year is EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt – vulnerable not only for his rollback of time tested regulations to protect our environment and the public, but also to lack of morals.  But that comes as no surprise to the Amoral and Unethical Trump and his Administration who take its clues from his narcisstic behavior.  The politically ambitious Pruitt appears to have escaped the chopping block because his backers value profits over the public good and morality.

Please visit post herein dated April 22, 2017 for more background information on the subject.