Kristen Bingham, Lisa Mainella, and Nancy Jordan Were So Inspired by the Women’s March in Washington, DC They Decided to Keep the Spirit Alive With Eye-Catching Bumper Stickers When They Returned to Maine.

‘Marchon’ Bumper Stickers Can be Purchased on-Line or at Local Businesses in the Greater Portland Area.
The grass is green, the forsythia bushes are blooming and there’s a fragrance in the air that’s been missing since last spring.
So, it’s time to exchange the warm cat hats for the colorful ‘March On stickers that are intended to keep the spirit and visibility of the January 21st Women’s Marches around the country alive and visible.
Three local women (see left photo) who attended the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. in January came up with an eye-catching way in which to keep the spirit and visibility of the marches alive as well as show their pride in the events they experienced or watched proceed.
“March On” bumper stickers were the result of the brainstorming of these committed women. If that is not a use that works for you, they’ve been designed to be used on bikes, water bottles, books and laptops! They come in two sizes. The larger one costs $3.00 and measures 6.75″ x 2.25″. The smaller one sells for $2.00 and is 4/25″ x 1.26″. For orders of 30 or more, there is a discount of 50%. That’s in keeping with the trio’s goal to get them “out into the world” according to a press release issued recently by them
Most significantly, net proceeds from the sales go to Emily’s List, a national organization that supports democratic female candidates for political office and the ACLU. To date, $2,500. has already been donated to these two organizations.
For your convenience, they may be ordered on-line at: marchonbumperstickers.org. On this blog, there is also a link to the webpage for learning more about them and to order them.
Hats off to the numerous local venues that are selling them directly to you. That includes all four Portland Coffee by Design stores, Deans Sweets on Fore Street, Longfellow Books on Monument Way and Jen Burrall Designs on Congress Street. In Freeport, Sherman’s Books is selling them as well. And in Brunswick, the Gulf of Maine Book Store is selling them. The list of outlets is growing as this is written. Furthermore, ‘March On’ bumper stickers have been sold in nineteen (19) different states and the District of Columbia.
Your assistance in distributing them in all states would be appreciated!
Women’s issues and those women are interested in remain on the forefront of the Trump administration and are far from resolved. This fundraiser is a visible reminder of this.
Thank you, Carol, for this great post and for all your hard work and positive energy! It helps to keep me marching on!
Kristin, You are so welcome. All three of you have done such a wonderful job with this project and I’m delighted to be able to support you in this important endeavor. We’ll keep Marching On! Carol
Thank you. My blog is named for a community in Portland where I once lived. I did not develop this website myself. I have a web master who created it for me. Best, Carol