Maine Court Opines Against Governor LePage’s Veto Questions Today


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,379)

The Maine Supreme  Judicial Court has decided that Governor Paul LePage was in error in his interpretation regarding his veto deadline. That means that  all of the 65 bills have indeed become law and that supports the position of the State’s Legislature.  The 47-page, unanimous  opinion was issued today.

The day he was supposed to have taken action on these 65 controversial  bills was the same day he spent at Becky’s Diner, in Portland, campaigning with Governor Chris Christie (R).New Jersey – a candidate for President next year.

Attorney General Janet Mills stated in a press release that the office of the AG is “pleased with the full and complete responses to the Governor’s questions.  The answers to his questions are clear, unambigous and completely consistent with his own past practices and with that of every other Governor in recent memory.  Governor LePage forfeited the right to veto any of the bills at issue.”