By Carol McCracken
At the end of the day, big smiles were everywhere.
Everywhere was this past Sunday at the first Maine Comics Arts Festival held at Ocean Gateway Terminal on the waterfront. There were more than 70 vendors from everywhere – including Chicago, Toronto, New York City, Massachusetts and right here in Portland. More than 1,000 people attended the Festival throughout the day which lasted from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Included in the program were a series of workshops relevant to the creative industry. When 5:00 p.m. arrived, the Festival continued at the North Star Café at 225 Congress Street at the bottom of the Hill.
One of the many satisfied vendors was a couple from Massachusetts. Gynn and Rick Silva who came from Cape Cod said that their line of comic books had never received as much exposure as they did on Sunday. As an animal lover generally and currently a cat owner, MHN could not resist purchasing copies of their “One Cat’s Spiritual Statement.” The drawings of two cats with accompanying dialogue are extremely well done and food for thought for humans as well! They are recommended for purchase by MHN. The cost is another bonus – only $1.00 each. Generally, Gynn does the drawing and Rick the writing. He’s also a history teacher.
According to Gynn a number of teachers were particularly enthusiastic about their environmental line because they are excellent tools for teaching. The first in that series is: “Unpopular Species – A Look at the Plants and Animals Hardly Anybody Loves.” Also a buck. They are planning a second booklet in the series. For more information, please visit
Rick Lovell, the Festival organizer, said it took him about a year to organize the event and that he will return next year for the Second Annual Maine Comics Arts Festival – for everyone from everywhere.