King Concerned That Incoming Administration May Decentralize Intelligence Agency


Senator Angus King (I) at a Senate Hearing on Russian Hacking.

In response to a WALL STREET JOURNAL report that says the Donald-Elect is moving to weaken the office the Director of National Intelligence (DNI),  US Senator Angus King (I) a member of the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services Committee, released the following statement:

“Congress created the DNI based on the careful study of intelligence coordination failures that led to the terrorist attacks on 9/11.”  Senator King said:  “This is a perilous moment in history and it would be a serious mistake if we moved toward less coordination, when, in reality, increased coordination is needed now more than ever before.  Like many, I am open to considering reforms, but dismantling or weakening the DNI would be a truly dangerous decision.”

This concern is so timely because of The Donald-Elect’s affection for Russia and more recently awarding creditability to Julian Assange and Wikileaks over the US intelligence community.

Interestingly to, 99% or more of King’s press releases received by are co-released by the office of Senator Susan Collins (R) of Maine.  For the first time, that can remember, this press release was not co-released by her office in conjunction with King.