Impeach LePage Supporters Rally at State House in Augusta; Alfond Considers Run for Governor

Rebecca T. Halbrook, and Sara Giddon, Leaders of the Impeach LePage Movement at the Rally.

Rebecca T. Halbrook, of Phippsburg and Cushing Samp of  Saco, Co- Founders of the Impeach LePage Movement at the Rally in Augusta Yesterday.

Senator Justin Alfond (D) with Tom Saviello (R) of Wilton. Ssaviello Has Been Highly Critical of Governor LePage.

Senator Justin Alfond (D) with Tom Saviello (R) of Wilton. Saviello Has Been Highly Critical of Governor LePage.

House Leader Ken Fredette (R)

House Leader Ken Fredette (R) at the State House Yesterday.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,528)

Supporters of legislation that would impeach Governor Paul LePage gathered yesterday morning at the State House before the new 2016 legislative session began. Rebecca Halbrook said the Resolution she supports calls for an investigation by thirteen members of the House who will subsequently make recommendations regarding his impeachment.

This movement is a nonpartisan and unaligned citizens group organized last July to press for investigation of LePage’s threats to wihhold state funds that led to Good Will – Hinckley School’s firing of Speaker Mark Eves, in light of the confirmation by the Government Oversight Committee of the serious misconduct by Gov. LePage, the group has pressed for the commencement of impeachment proceedings.

Supporters of  LePage’s impeachment had hoped the process would begin yesterday, but Democrats decided to put it off – until next week – to begin the legislative session on a more conciliatory basis.  House leader Ken Fredette, (R) said that he did not support impeachment for the Governor.  “It’s inspired by a radical, left wing democrat from Portland – Ben Chipman,” he said.  The legislature needs to focus on other matters like taxes and public safety.  The proposed drug bill has problems regarding the treatment part of it.  He said he would not make a determination on his vote until he sees what the bill is that  comes out of committee.

Portland Senator Justin Alfond (D) said he was considering a run for the Governor’s seat in 2018.  He said he has priorities to consider first.  He needs to consider his family’s priorities (he’s married with two young children) and continuing to represent Portland well for the next two  years.   “I’m exploring a run for Governor for 2018,” he said. (see above left photo.)

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