Hannaford Supermarkets, 295 Forest Avenue, to Host Job Fair Later This Month


Store Manager Tim Perry, at the Forest Avenue Supermarket Today Following the Announcement of the Upcoming Job Fairs.

A Display at the Entrance to Hannaford Supermarkets, 295 Forest Avenue, With Applications for Positions on Forest Avenue.

Have you ever considered combining the place where you work and the place where you do your grocery shopping into one stop?  If you haven’t already, there is an upcoming opportunity for you to do just that – and with the assistance of professionals who can answer your questions on how they can help you make that happen!

Hannaford Supermarkets, 295 Forest Avenue, announced today that it will be hosting a Job Fair on Thursday, October 21 and on Saturday, October 23, 2021.  The Thursday Job Fair runs from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm. The Saturday Job Fair runs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Positions are available at several different skill levels and in all departments.  That incudes the deli, seafood, customer service, produce, bakery and maintenance to name just a few of the opportunities that exist at Hannaford Supermarkets, Forest Avenue for your consideration. These opportunities have not always been available, but the challenges associated with the pandemic has opened up these positions at this time.

The starting salary for someone coming in off the street with no experience in retail will be minimum wage – $12.50 per hour. The salary range for an experienced individual is between $15.00 – $16.00.

Corporate and human resources personnel will be present at both Job Fairs to answer your questions and assist you in this opportunity.