Greater Portland Landmarks, (GPL), will conduct the first survey in Maine to document historic resources that will be impacted by climate change. The results of this survey will be shared with the cities of Portland and South Portland and shared with the public in two neighborhood presentations in late summer or early fall of 2019.
The GPL HIstoric Resources Survey will identify and document historic resources in two neighborhoods; Ferry Village in South Portland and in Bayside in Portland. Both are threatened by the impacts of climate change.
Several GPL initiatives have looked at the impact of climate change on the infrastructure of Portland and South Portland Waterfront communities. However, there has been no study to date addressing the impact of sea level rise on the historic structures in either community.
Increased awareness of the potential impacts on historic resources among residents and community leaders is needed to ensure the region’s resislency to climate impacts. Through this documentation and research project, Landmarks will enhance the public’s understanding of potential climate change impacts and help inform the work of decision makers and planners as they create policy to increase their community’s resislancy.
Portland and South Portland are compiling a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to prepare the cities for the potential impacts and increase awareness about sustainable programs, policies and practices.
The historic resources survey is being conducted this summer by student interns: Leslie Moore, Emma Survis, Abigail Dolan and Sarah Knauer as part of their graduate studies. The survey consists of photographing each building in the neighborhood from the public way. The surveyors do not need to access private property. Information on each building’s style, materials and resislency to the impacts of climate change will be recorded on a survey form and entered into the Maine Historical Preservation Commissions data base of historic buildings in Maine.
The survey is funded in part by a grant from the National Park Services Historic Preservation Fund and is administered by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
For more information, please email Or contact Julie Larry at: