Governor Mills Orders Flags Lowered in Honor of Atlanta Metropolitan Area Victims


US and State of Maine Flags are to be Lowered until March 22, 2021 in Memory of Victims of Atlanta Area Victims Per the President of the US.

Consistent with a directive of the President, Governor Janet Mills ordered the United States and the State of Maine flags be lowered immediately statewide through Monday, March 22, 2021 in honor of the victims of acts of violence perpetrated in the Atlanta Metropolitan area earlier this week.

“On behalf of the people of Maine, I express our deepest condolences to the families and friends who are mourning the loss of their loved ones and we share in the pain of Asian Americans as they seek to heal and feel safe in the wake of this horrific attack,” said Governor Mills in a press release issued this afternoon by her Augusta office.  “As we pay tribute to their memories, let us do all we can to defend the lives, integrity and equality of people of all races, creeds, national origins, religions, disabilities, genders, ages and sexual orientations.”