“Get Big Money Out of Politics,” says Founder of Non-Profit


Matt Edge, Executive Director of Democracy Coffee, with Pedro Crotty and Halle Kananack on Washington Avenue Yesterday.

No Kidding!

An Edge Sign on Franklin Street Planted Recently.

Matt Edge, Founder and Executive Director of a non-profit Peoples Empowerment Project, is dedicated to getting big money out of politics so citizens are represented rather than the interests of major corporations.

“When most of the election funding is raised from a handful of big donors, the pool of candidates has already been chosen for us,” said Edge.  Edge and two friends were planting signs along Washington Avenue yesterday – much as they have done along Franklin Street – calling for the defeat of Trumpy in the election that is less than a week away.

Edge, who is an attorney, said:  “We are trying to boost turnout among low vote propensity voters in highly dense areas.  About half of the population doesn’t vote and we are trying to increase turnout. That’s because when turnout is high, it benefits those who need it most.”

Edge and his friends have already put up about 25 signs on the Portland peninsula.  Some have been taken down he concedes.  But when that happens they put up two to replace the one.

Motivating his activism is Edge’s antipathy for Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.  “I don’t want Mitch McConnell to be the Senate Majority leader any longer.  He’s bad for democracy, money and politics. The outcome of the Susan Collins race would likely determine whether Mitch McConnell controls the US Senate Chamber.”

For more information on Matt Edge, please visit The People’s Empowerment Project.
