By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,574)
For many years, Peaks Island residents have wanted a permanent skateboard park for its residents. Island resident Chris Hoppin has stepped forward to assist in the effort to make this happen sooner rather than later.
Three years ago several young islanders built a skate board park on preserved land – managed by Peaks Island Land Preserve, without the proper permits to do so. At the request of the non-profit’s president, John Whitman, the city decided to demolish the Park. The demolition took place last fall.
Now Chris is raising funds – between $90,000. – $100,000. to construct another skateboard park at a different location on the Island. The proposed park is for the Trott-Littlejohn property, located in the middle of the Island. The City has provided this site for the Park and the design of the park has been approved. The new design is by Jackman Wood. “It’s the size of a baseball infield. About 70 ft. x 80 ft ish, said Chris earlier this week. Some of the work may be donated as well.
The Park for Peaks Island has been supported by the Peaks Island Council as well as the City of Portland.
If you can contribute to this worthwhile project for Peaks Island, please forward a check to Chris Hoppin at PO Box 22, Peaks Island, Maine 04108. Checks should be made payable to Peaks Island Skateboard Park Fund. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Please visit for more details.