East Enders Rally Supporters of Same Sex Marriage Ballot Intiative; Both Religious and Secular Groups at Work


Anne Underwood, co-founder of Catholics for Marriage Equality

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,252)

About thirty people from Catholics for Marriage Equality gathered this morning on the corner of Cumberland Avenue and Franklin Street – across from the Cathedral – to remind parishoners to vote yes on Question 1 on Election Day.  However, most of the parshioners left the Cathedral through a side door into the parking lot – ignoring the protestors at the front door on Cumberland Avenue.

Passage of the initiative will allow same sex couples to marry in Maine.  An idea that is over due in Maine, said Anne Underwood, a co- founder of the five year old Catholics for Marriage Equality.  “We are Catholics and this is our church.  People are involved in this campaign because people of the Catholic faith have come together on this,” she said.  There were harsh words for the former Bishop of Maine, Bishop  Richard J. Malone who served at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for eight years until this summer.  In August,  he was installed as the Bishop of Buffalo.  

Earlier this year Bishop Malone said that the Diocese of Portland would not actively campaign against the referendum.  However,  last month from his new Buffalo post, Malone said that any Catholic voting for it, was betraying Catholic doctrine.   “Bishop Malone has consistently misrepresented Catholic teachings on conscience.  You follow what your heart tells you is right,” said Bill Slavich this morning.  “Although Bishop Malone said he would not overtly financally support the “No on 1″ campaign, I believe that the contribution of $100,000 from the Knights of Columbus came with his encouragement,” said Frank Desorro. Rick Perry said:  “We (including his partner) are recovering Catholics from all the misinformation and hypocrisy of the Catholic church.”

Meanwhile, at the Portland Complex, Building 11, Jill Barkley, Marriage Project Coordinator for the ACLU spent most of the day training volunteers for canvassing the East End neighborhood.  The purpose is to get supporters out to vote.  The group will be talking with supporters again on Tuesday, Election Day – all day.  All are welcome. 

 For statewide information, please visit www.mainersunited.org/gotv

editor’s note:  A photo of Jill Barclay, marriage project coordinator, for ACLU is at the top, left.



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