District 1 Meeting Highlights East End Issues; Fourteen Motor Vehicle Burgalries in Past Week


Residents Attending the annual District 1 Meeting at the East End Community School.

By Anonymous (Post # 1,017)

More than 50 people attended last night’s annual District 1 Meeting at the East End Community School. Councilor Kevin Donoghue facilitated the meeting which included councilors Nick Mavadones, David Marshall and Dory Waxman, and State Senator Justin Alfond. Key city employees attending included City Manager Mark Rees and Acting Police Chief Mike Sauschuck.

Senator Alfond anounced that the State of Maine has reduced distribution of tax revenues to the City and this is a concern for all residents of the City. METRO General Manager Dave Rediefsen described the results of a recent transportation survey. As a consequence, three extra trips per night have been added to and from the Hill. Public Works Director Mike Bobinsky described a number of construction projects including Bayside Trail connections and several crosswalks. He also mentioned street painting, drainage and special bricks for sidewalks that include materials with more traction for pedestrian safety.

On a more serious note, Acting Police Chief Mike Sauschuck answerered questions about neighborhood crime. He emphasized that residents should lock their cars. Since open cars left unattended have led to more than 14 motor vehicle burglaries in the past week.

Construction of the former Adams School into moderately priced condominiums is expected to begin by the end of the year. The early first snow storm of the season promoted discussion of snow removal. Donoghue asked for a review of the lots for snow ban parking. He suggested that that city officials announce when snow plowing concludes. It usually takes eight hours after the last snow flake falls, so an announcement would let residents know when they can shovel their sidewalks and driveways.

One of the more than three dozen questions from residents dealt with the opening and closing of the Casco Bay Bridge. It was suggested that the Maine Department of Transporation provide a telephone number residents may call to determine when the bridge will close on a timely basis.

Finally, retiring Councilor Dory Waxman thanked her colleagues and City employees for their great work on behalf of our great city.

The next district meeting is set for District 3, 7 pm Wednsday, November 16, Deering High School, 370 Stevens Avenue. For more information about these meetings, please visit www.portlandmaine.gov