By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,706)
Close to twenty-five (25) neighbors and interested parties met last night with the owner and attorney for a proposed five (5) unit condominium development at 180 Washington Avenue, The proposal would replace an empty single family home currently standing on the property.
Patrick Venne, Esq., representing the developer, told attendees that there would be no store front on the first floor of the building because that space will be dedicated to parking for four units. The developer will be requesting two waivers from the city. The first is for four parking spaces rather than five parking spaces. The second waiver is for only two street trees rather than the five because there isn’t space for them according to Venne. Developer Hammond will be seeking a waiver to eliminate three of the five trees required by the city of Portland.
The exterior of the contemporary building will be of fiber cement and galviinized steel according to the developer. They are all two bedroom units with the exception of a studio unit. The cost of the top floor units will be close to $1 million dollars.
Several East Bayside residents expressed concern that this is the first modern building in East Bayside. Venne responded that the building does fit in with the neighborhood because it is a “triple decker” like the other buildings in the neighborhood. Another resident wondered how these wealthy residents would fit into a neighborhood of largely low-income residents.
The developer expects to go before the planning board on this project in October.