Darwin Day To Be Celebrated At “OLLI”; 2/12


By Carol McCracken (Post # 386)

The 201st anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin is Friday, February 12th. In observation of that, two videos will be shown at the Wishcamper Center, Room 205, Bedford Street, on the USM Campus. The celebration is hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (“OLLI”). The event runs from 1:00 – 5:00 – pm.

The first video to be shown is a BBC production, “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea.” It puts the theory of evoluation in a contemporary context. The second video is a new feature length movie, “Creation.” It’s adapted from the book Annie’s Box, written by Darwin’s great, great nephew, Randal Keynes. The movie portrays Darwin’s family life, highlighting the conflicting attitudes toward religion between Darwin and his wife, and in the society at large, according to a press release issued today from the OLLI office. The movie had limited distribution in the US cause of its perceived controversial nature.

OLLI instructor Bill Jose will host the afternoon and lead an optional discussion following the videos for those who wish to participate. The event is free of charge and open to all.

Please email Rob at: rhyssong@usm.maine.edu for more information. OLLI is an academically stimulating program for those over 50 years old. The classes are held at the Wishcamper Buildihg at USM. For more information about the program, please visit Events on the Hill.