Constituents Urge Senator Collins to Vote NO on Kavanaugh Nomination


Portland Resident Jessica Esch With State Representative from Portland Dick Farnsworth with His Wife Ellen at Today’s Rally.

Dr. Jim White at Left With His Anonymous Wife at Right. Do You Know What WTF Stands for? Take a Guess!

Some of the Protestors at the Brett Kavanaugh Rally This Afternoon.

About fifty (50) constituents of Senator Susan Collins assembled across from her Portland office to urge her not to vote for the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court – many of them holding signs such as the ones in the photo at left.

Survivors of sexual assault were invited to describe their experiences, but no one took up the invitation to do so.  Participants were asked to write notes to Senator Collins as to why she should vote no and if she would have the backbone to do that. Her approval rating is very low these days and which way she will vote is anyone’s guess.

“The significance of the Kavanaugh debate is the effort on the part of the white, entitled men to keep power away from women and people of color.  The barrier against immigrants is an example of how the powerful will do anything to the cruelest level – separating families and failure to follow the law of people seeking asylum,” said State Rep. Dick Farnsworth.  (See above left photo).

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