Ira Leifer, Who Lives Near the Eastern Promenade, Supports the Food Truck Operators Remaining on the Eastern Promenade.

A Thai Restaurant is Under Consruction at 47 India Street According to One of the Consruction ‘Workers on Site This Afternoon. The Owner Plans on Opening the End of June 2022. ‘formerly, it was a Health Food Store, But Closed it said Because of a “Lack of Foot Traffic”. Really?
The city’s Business Licensing office at city hall has not yet informed the fourteen (14) applicants vying for a business spot in the parking lot off the Eastern Promenade that they will be participating in a lottery to determine which ten (10) food trucks are the winners of the city’s competition – that failure to inform food truck owners is as of this afternoon. One food truck owner said this afternoon. “The city is telling us nothing.” So what’s surprising about that?
That information was confirmed to this blogger late this afternoon in an email from the city’s spokeswoman Jessica Grondin in these words:
“The Business Licensing office will be sending them a communication so they are aware. I do not know exactly when it will go out, but in the next day or two. The lottery will be held Wednesday, June 1st at 9:00 am via Zoom. We will use an electronic tool to randomly pick names.”
In fourteen (14) years of blogging, this blogger has never heard anyone say anything positive about this office at city hall. Despite efforts to streamline the work of the office, its reputation of being slow, disorganized and hard to deal with, remains in tact.
The fourteen (14) food truck owners who will be participating in the lottery next week are listed in a post herein dated May 24, 2022. For more background information on the West vs. Food Truck Owners crisis, please visit the same post referred to above dated May 24, 2022.