Business Beat: Colucci’s Store to be Sold Later This Month


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,458)

How quickly life on the Hill changes!  The end of last month, one of the current owners of Colucci’s on Munjoy Hill was denying the valuable properties on the Hill had been sold.  Hill residents were all glum and hanging their heads in disappointment.  Today, the story is upbeat.  According to sources close to the situation, a closing date of July 12, has been selected for the sale of the two properties.  One of those properties contains the popular Colucci’s Store.

According to the same sources, the prospective purchaser of the two properties is Bill Simpson, owner of rental properties on Munjoy Hill as well as in other parts of the city and an area resident.  Furthermore, it’s been said by those same sources that he plans on upgrading the interior of the store and expanding the product line. It may  include fresh produce, deli-meats and so much more. has not been able to confirm this information with Simpson, because she has been unable to contact him.

Signs placed on the store windows and front door this morning would seem to verify the above information as well as the other sources.

In March, a fire was set by a resident of the area forcing the popular conenience store to shut down all this time.  Meanwhile, owners have been negotiating with the insurance company and that appears to have been resolved.

Please see Post # 1,458, dated 6/29/13 herein for more background information.