A Tax Day event is set to be held on Monday, May 17th at noon on the Brunswick Green. The event is to draw attention to the Federal budget choices made by our representatives in Congress according to a press release issued by a coalition of non-profits.
A Federal budget should be a moral document, an agreement between the people and the government on funding the Common Good. Instead, if we look closely, we see our government’s priorities skewed in the direction of the very corporations that use muscular power to support an economy that serves only the very few.
We will be looking at six areas of the discretionary budget. Those policy areas where the government has choice in how much to support. It does not include Social Security and Medicare. Out of every tax dollar, the US Pentagon takes 53 cents of every dollar. Education gets 5 cents; Environment gets 3 cents; Housing/Community gets 7 cents; Health gets 6 cents; Labor gets 2 cents; Food gets just a single penny.
There will be short talks from leaders of some of Maine’s tireless non-profits, reminding us of the power we have as citizens when we speak up for people and planet. There will be music, poetry, good conversation and the “Bean Poll.” We encourage masks and distance for safety. Bring a picnic lunch if you like
Members of the host coalition include: Peace Works of Greater Brunswick, Maine poor People’s Campaign, Peace Action Maine, Maine Veterans for Peace and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Maine.