Brownfields Events in East Bayside Set for Thursday, June 30th

Urban Fermentory, is at 200 Anderson Street.

Urban Fermentory, is at 200 Anderson Street, East Bayside.  Dawn York, Tasting Room Manager, said Beer, MEAD, Cider and Kombucha Will be Available, During the  Meeting.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,631)

The public is invited to attend a basic workshop on Thursday,afternoon June 30th to identify Brownfields sites to be studied in East Bayside according to a press release issued by the City of Portland late this afternoon.  The event is hosted by the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG), the City of Portland and Woodard & Curran.

Last year, East Bayside was selected as one of twenty (20) neighborhoods in the nation for a $200,000. Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (AWP) grant from the U.S. Environmental Agency.

The afternoon includes a Brownfields 101 workshop to explain resources available for Brownfields redevelopment.  A bus tour to inspect potential sites and an advisory committee meeting to prioritize these Brownfields sites.  Later this year, the groups Brownfields prioritize will benefit from a menu of technical assistance services, including a community design event, such as a charrette or visioning session.  The ultimate goal is to facilitate the redevelopment of these sites for housing, green space and/or job creation by examining within sites closely and determining how potential Brownfields status might affect their use.


Urban Farm Fermentory, 200 Anderson Street in East Bayside;

3:30 – 5:00 – Brownfields 101 Workshop (open to public)

5:00 – 5:30 pm Break

5:30 – 6:30 pm Bus Tour of East Bayside (Brownfields Advisory Committee)

PERFORMANCE BUILDING SUPPLY, 111 Fox Street, East Bayside.

6:30 – 8:00 East Bayside Advisory Committee Meeting.

For over a century, East Bayside functioned as an industrial district served first by ship, then railroad and now by truck.  While it remains one of the poorest Census tracts in the state, this industrial legacy has recently attracted a vibrant culture of new Mainers, artists and food entrepreneurs who will be critical in creating a lasting vision and plan for the neighborhood.  The $200,000 Planning Grant will fund a range of activities over the next year, including a final implementation strategy that will be presented to the city Council for adoption.

Members of the aforementioned Advisory Committee are: Karen Anker, Ellen Bailey, Jason Briggs, Mike Cardente, Cynthia Cochran, Councilor Jill Duson, Isa Ferguson, Sarah Graulty, Laura Hollander, Markos Miller, Sean Noe, Councilor Belinda Ray, Heather Sanborn, Jay Waterman, and Kara Woolrich.  Staff includes Jeff Levine, City of Portland and Caroline Paras, Greater Portland Council of Governments.  They come from a diversity of backgrounds in the area; industry, food, arts, social services, etc.