By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,626)
The second B.Good Block Party will be held on Sunday, August 14, at Post Office Park in the Old Port of Portland. Funds received from this event will be donated to the B. Good Foundation, although it’s unknown at this time exactly who will be the beneficiary of the Festival.
There will not be an admission fee to the Festival, but those dining on B. Good barbecue will be charged $10.00. There will be a beer garden on site as well.
Last year the Festival was held on Exchange Street where the area was closed to vehicular traffic. Exchange Street was closed as was Milk Street. Local businesses who objected to the closures on a summer weekend day signed a petition or called the city manager to complain. This year’s application by Hill resident Bill Zolper and northeast franchise owner was turned down by the City Council earlier this year. The petition signed by business owners opposed to the Exchange Street close down, suggested that the Maine State Pier, Lincoln Park, Monument Square, or Post Office Park were more suitable locations for the Festival than closing Exchange Street again.
City Councilor Justin Costa spoke in favor of the location change to Post Office Park at the Monday, June 20th meeting, at which the Festival relocation was approved.