By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,433)
“Are We Loving Portland to Death?” – The public is invited to attend a day-long community conversation Saturday, October 3rd at Abromson Hall on the USM campus in Portland that will address this question. The free event runs from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm. The location is 88 Bedford Street, Portland. This is a unique opportunity for the public to learn and talk about the overwhelming changes happening in our community as more people want to revel in Portland’s inevitable zeitgeist.
The hosts of this conversation are pleased to welcome Mayor Esther Manheimer, Asheville, North Carolina as the keynote speaker. (Asheville has many similarities with Portland including a craft beer industry!) At 10:00 am., the Mayor will share how her city is grappling with growth and change. Following her talk, we will hear perspectives from four professionals who have studied and dealt extensively with growth and change in Portland and other US cities. They are:
DR. RICHARD BARRINGER – Professor emeritus, USM, Muskie School of Public Service,
GREG KESICH – editor, Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram,
JEFF LEVINE – Director of Planning and Urban Development, City of Portland,
DR. RYAN WALLACE – Director, Maine Center for Business and Economic Research (WMS).
In the afternoon, you will choose from two thought-provoking break-out sessions (1:00 – 2:30 pm) to talk in greater depth with friends and neighbors about the issues at hand.
At 2:30 pm, there will be an opportunity to greet candidates for Portland City Council and share our thoughts as we face change together.
You may bring your own lunch or a boxed lunch will be available for $10.00. Most ccs accepted.
This program is hosted by Creative Portland, Portland Society of Architects, and GrowSmart, Maine and with generous support from a number of other non-profits.