Acting Chief Sauschuck Picked to Lead Portland Police Department; Presented to City Council on 2/6/12


By Carol McCracken (Post # 1,072)

City Manager Mark Rees has picked Acting Police Chief Michael Sauschuck to be the nineteenth police chief for the City of Portland. Rees will formally present Saujschuck for City Council confirmation at the February 6, 2012 meeting. Upon confirmation, Sauschuck will become the nineteenth Police Chief to serve the city.

“I am very excited to make this announcement,” stated City Manager Rees. “After a rigorous and competitive search, I am confident that we have the right person for the position. Mike’s commitment to public service, the police department and the community is unparalleled. He knows and loves this city and the community will be well served by the Police Department being under his leadership.”

Saushuck has been with the Portland Police Department for fifteen years. After graduating from high school, Sauschuck joined the Marines where he was sent to Camp Peldleton, San Mateo, California. During his five year tenure, he served as a Corporal then Sargeant within the Marine Security Guard in Sal Salvador, El Salvador and Moscow, Russia. After four years as a areserve police officer with the Old Orchard Beach Police Department, Sauschuck joined the Portland Police Department where he worked in a variety of specialities, including the crisis intervention team, special reaction team and as a field training officer. In March 2011, Sauschuck was selected as the department’s A ssistant chief, where he served as Chief James Craig’s second in command and directly oversaw criminal investigations, uniformed operations and emergency communications.

Upon Chief Craig’s departure in August, Sauschuck led the Police Department as Acting Police Chief during which he oversaw a department of more than two hundred employees and an annual budget of $13.4 million.

“I congratulate both Chief Sauschuck and City Manager Rees on the outcome of this search,” stated Mayor Michael Brennan. “Portland will undoubtedly benefit from Mike’s leadership. He understands the city and has built trusting and open relationships not just with his fellow officers and City Hall but with the community as a whole.”
