Governor Janet T. Mills (D) the First Woman Governor of Maine, at a Press Conference Last Year on the Portland Waterfront.
2021 was the most profitable year in the history of Maine’s lobster fishery. At $724,949,426, the landed value in the iconic fishery jumped by 75% over 2020, by far the single larget increase in value year after year, according to a press release issued by the Maine Department of Marine Resoures earlier this month.
Not only was the 2021 value a record setter, but the value of landings continued a 12-year run in which harvesters brought to shore close to more than 100 million pounds. At 108,048,704 pounds, landings increased by more than 10 million pounds over 2020 an increase of more than 10 percent.
“The Maine lobster industry remains a conrnerstone of our state’s coastal economy and identity because of the uncomprising commitment to quality that follows every lobster, from trap to table,” said Governor Janet T. Mills (D). “I will continue to work tirelesly to support this vital Maine heritage industry.”