McGowan’s First Published Book “One Good Thing” Receives Enthusiastic Reviews


Quintin West, (L) with Author Patrick McGowan, 62, at Sherman’s, Exchange Street, Portland Today.

“One Good Thing” by Patrick McGowan, at $17.95.  Published by Polar Bear & Company.

Kirsten McGowan, Patrick (M) and Their Daughter Amelia, 10.  Amelia Took the Photo of Her Dad on the Back Cover of the Book.

Author Peter McGowan (L) with Book Purchasers: Crystal Cotter, Angie Bernard and Lena Cotter. They Are Visiting  from Nevada.

Writing is as much a part of Patrick McGowan’s life as is his commitment to leveling the playing field for all Americans –  and that is not surprising given his background.

“I read great reviews on Amazon.  It said it was an outdoor adventure mixed with a crime thriller,” said Quintin West, a Portland resident.  West heard about McGowan’s book signing gig at Sherman’s, Exchange Street today, on WGAN radio and made a special trip there to purchase the book and meet the author. Tomorrow he will be at Sherman’s, Bar Harbor.

McGowan’s mother Ann was a writer and editor for a Waterville newspaper.  She advised him to write “good lean sentences and good paragraphs that are sucient.” It’s an outdoors story with a crime twist McGowan told customers at a busy Sherman’s, Exchange Street.  It also has an original political twist to it that is fun.  The book thoughtfully is dedicated to his mother, Ann, from whom he learned so much and so well.

Part of the reason for the busy store was because of two large cruise ships that brought numerous passengers into the Old Port on a beautiful late summer day and all the more customers for McGowan’s successful afternoon.

This blogger recognized McGowan because of an impressive attempt he made to  unseat then Congresswoman Olympia Snowe (R) in the early 90s.  He missed his goal by  l/2 of 1%.  McGowan then went on to run the Small Business Administration from 1993 – 2000 during President Clinton’s administration.

McGowan said it took him four months to write the book which he finished in 2015.  It took him longer to publish the book however.  That is not unusual for a first time writer.  But it is unusual for a first time writer to get published in this era of abundant writers.  In fact, he’s already well at work on his second novel, a description of which he refuses to give out.  His reading public will just have to wait and see!  It’s always said that a writer should write what he knows best.  McGowan appears to have done this here:  he owns PK Floats, the “World’s Finest Seaplane Floats Since 1954.”   His website is:  He’s had a flying license since he was sixteen years old.

Whether as a writer or a politician, Maine is fortunate to have McGowan’s wisdom, wit and commitment available to us.