Basketball Tournament Debuts Near Ocean Gateway Despite Hot Weather; Bright Future Seen for Organized Sports on the Hill


The "Hustle" Takes First Place in the Couch Potatoe Division

'Coalcare" Takes First Place in the Hot Shot Division; Jeff Geoff-Grisby Holds the Trophy

Andrew Veillux & Kate Hodgon: "This is a great way to make new friends."

1st Place Winners of the Weekend Warriors; Capt. Andrew Veillux Holds the Trophy

Volunteers from Shamrock Sports & Entertainment; Caitlin Conroy, Nicolle Meyer & Marybeth Hoover.

By Carol McCracken (Post # 1,177)

Twenty-five basketball teams braved the sizzling weather on the Portland waterfront to compete for trophies in the inaugural tournament; OLD PORT HOOPLA. The event was organized by Patrick Hackleman, owner of Casco Bay Sports.

Three mens and two womens’ teams each with its individual names, signed up to play in a specific Division – generally determined by the teams skill level. The three divisions were: Hot Shots, Weekend Warriors and the Couch Potatoes. (There were two womens’ divisions; one for adults and one for middle school girls.) Each team was composed of at least three members and more were allowed to permit a rotation of players. Each game lasted 25 minutes or whom ever scored 20 points first – which ever came first. For many sweaty bodies, the 25 minute game limit was too long on a 90 degree plus, breezless day near the Ocean Gateway on the waterfront.

The most exciting game of the day was also the last one of the day – a competitive and hard-fought championship game. Tied at the end of 25 minutes, the game went into overtime with The Geese upsetting The Franchise by two points; thereby winning the trophy in the Weekend Warrior Division. Despite the weather, some remained and watched from the bleachers set up in the center of Ocean Gateway’s queing lines.

“People in Portland are very outdoor oriented and athletic. They need an outlet for their athleticism. This competition will continue to grow,” said Nicolle Meyer, account director at Shamrock Sports & Entertainment. “People want to be outdoors. They are looking for recreational opportunities and Casco Bay Sports offers competitive events. Participants are looking for physical activities as well as the social aspect of organized sports,” she said. “Organized sports gives Portland another dimension. It could be an emerging industry for Portland,” said Travis Munroe, of the Hustle. “After college, for most people, organized sports are over. CBS offers so many opportunities. We are new to Portland, so this provides us a network of good friends with smiliar interests,” said Kate Hodgdon, who played on a womens’ team.

For more background information on the tournament, please see the previous post herein. For more information on upcoming biking events, please see